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What is wrong with my cats eyes?


QUESTION: my cat was born outside next door and she has never had shots but has been an indoor cat and for some reason now her eyes are cloudy and she sleeps like all day and sleeps behind thing's where it is really dark and when she is out to eat and drink she keeps her eyes closed most of the time and is active at night when the lights are off and she is between 3 and 4 years so could you please tell me what you think it is before i take her to the vet?

ANSWER: If your cat's eyes are clouded over and she keeps them guarded from light, I would think that your cat may have developed cataracts of some sort. Cataracts are mucus layers that cloud over the eye and reduce sight drastically.

The cat may be acting withdrawn because she is afraid of unknown objects which she can no longer see clearly. She keeps her eyes closed because the condition may be painful to her.

I recommend getting her into a vet and helping her get some relief!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks you so much!
but would it make her sleep a lot and just be kinda lazy and just eat sleep and drink?
and her eyes just started like draining a clear liquid
ANSWER: You definitely need to get her to a vet, especially because of the drainage. She could be in a lot of pain, and the condition may be worsening.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you again
and no i wouldn't want to play
and can she die from it?
and do you know how much it would cost?
and when she is taken to a vet will she be able to see just as good as she used to?
and thank you so much

She could go permanently blind from a secondary infection, and if that infection is untreated, she may die of brain death. That is the extreme case, but it is possibly.

A wellness check from a veterinarian should cost under $40. The medicines he will likely give you for the condition should cost $20 - $30.

After treatment, her sight and her personality should return to normal. But you must get her treated right away.

My help is here anytime you need it!