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Cat just diagnosed with CRF


My 8 yr old Abba, female, indoor cat, has just been diagonosed with this condition, my vet suggested chaging her diet to prescription food and to apply sub-q fluids.
I was shown how to do it, but the problem is that by myself at home, it's not working. She is a nervous kitty, doesn't like to be restrained. I tried to wrap her in a towel, but still is a fight and I can not restrain her good enough. I poked her in a wrong way and I hurt her. I'm hoping to find a way, a trick, a medicine to calm her down... something before I have to give up completely.

Thank you. I'm worried I won't be able to help her.  

Giving sub-q fluids by yourself is tricky.  Whenever I've had to do it, scruffing seems to be the easiest way.  If you can wrap her up in a towel and scruff her it should help to minimize her movement.  You can also put the needle in her scruff while your holding it.  If in the end you cannot do it yourself, then I would speak with your vet about bringing her in so they can do it.  We often do this for clients where I work since everyone cannot do it at home.  Whichever is going to be the least stressful on her is the best way.  The sub-q fluids are very important so she definitely needs to get them.  There is medication that can make her sleepy, such as Acepromazine, so that may be something you'll want to speak with your vet about as well.
