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How to adjust new cat to 3 small dogs???



My son just recently talked me into a 6 week old kitten from the Humane Society. He swears like all the kids before him that he will keep the litter box changed and food and water out. SO we will see. My question is actually, I have 3 small dogs; a 3lb toy poodle who is in charge of the house, a medium size pomerian, and a shih-tzu.The cat when introduced to the dogs seperatley just flares up and hisses at them.I have waited a few days and kept them seperate, but I cant do this forever.She is a very sweet and loving cat and very playful, but should I just let her go and have at the dogs or what? I dont want anyone to get hurt. Thanks for any help.


No you can't just let her go. Cats can scratch and dogs can't and she could easily hurt an eye or something otherwose serious. I'm afraid the only way to do this is slowly. Separating them altogether is no good as if they never see each other they can never adjust. What you need is to separate them with a screen between; the idea is that they be able to see each other but not make contact until the kitten is calmer. She is young and will learn. right now she is just reacting out of fear. Also of course let the cat and dogs see each other face to face when you can be there to supervise and split up if needed. But again this is a slow process to be done over the next several months. I'm afraid there is no easier answer.