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what is wrong with my bengal kitten


i have 2 cats 1 called oscar who is 13 months old and a british blue and a bengal called nimrod who is 9 months.recently we went away overnight and left my mum at home to look after my cts. we where out of the house for about 30 mum said the first evening was fine and the cats wheretheir usual selves.(mischievious).
then when she woke in the morning and went down to the cats,she noticed nimrod was acting strange,she put it down to the fact he was missing me.when we arrived home oscar came to greet me like he usually does but there was no sign of nimrod. i went to the kitchen to feed them both and still nimrod wouldnt come which is very unusual.i went to look for him upstairs and found him meowing so i picked him up and brought him to the wasnt till after that i noticed his very strange behaviour.he is acting scared on the floor of both the kitchen and lounge,its only when he is high up off the floor that he seems ok.he is constantly smelling around and croutching down as if he is hiding from something.he wont go and get his food anymore i have had to lift him to it. he is normal when he goes upstairs aswell.i am completly puzzled and upset as he wont come near when im on the sofa he just runs to his cat tower.both cats are indoor cats so nothing has happened outside, and there are no marks to suggest he has had a fallout with oscar.i dont know what to do please help?


If Nimrod is not neutered, now may be the time!!!!! It could be standard whole male behavior when he does not know what is going on and it is, currently, breeding season!!!!!

If Nimrod is neutered, then, a visit to the vet is warranted to find out what may be going on.  

If there is no physical explanation, something may have happened in that a strange cat from outside was lurking around and Nimrod had trouble dealing with the angst.  It could be classic fight/flight aftermath symptoms. Nimrod should return to normal within a few days to two weeks if it was a strange cat.  Now, if that cat comes around again, the whole fight/flight reaction could start over again.

Best regards... Norm.