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Cat Aggressive Behavior


I rescued an abandoned adult male cat almost 10 weeks ago. I named him June. He is neutered and in good health. I do not know his past, but it looked as if he has been on his own for awhile. My household also has two dogs and another cat. The resident cat hisses and stays clear from June, and June (for the most part) ignores the cat. June has also been doing well with being in the house around the dogs, but for a few days now, he's been attacking the dogs. Once he aggressively jumped on and attacked one dog without cause (lots of blood from scratches), and he has tried to claw the other one without reason. June's behavior seems to be getting worse (especially with the dogs)than better even though he's been around them for over 2 months. I am afraid that June will now become extremely aggressive with the cat, especially since I have witnessed what he is capable of doing by attacking the dogs, and possibly kill her. Any suggestions?

Hi Lanette,

I would first have him checked by a vet. If he is hurt or not feeling well in any way he will take it out on the other animals in the house. If your vet says all is ok I would separate him in another room for a few days so he can relax. Then you can reintroduce him to the household. Get something called Feliway Comfort Zone. This mimics a cat's happy pheromones and may relax him.  If he continues his behavior ask your vet about maybe giving him an antihistamine, cyproheptadine (Periactin). It acts to calm him down. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen