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Has new kitten driven away male cat


I have 2 neutered male cats 15 months old and 4 weeks ago adopted a feral female kitten about 12 weeks old. I kept the kitten apart for about a week just letting the other cats sniff her through the cage bars,there was some hissing to start with but both cats seemed to be accepting her and were even playing with her at times but a week ago 1 of the older cats disappeared and still hasn't come back.
I had noticed this cat spraying outside a couple of times (before I got the kitten) and originally thought although he was neutered he may have gone off after a female cat but am now wondering if because it was 2 males to 1 female at home, he has left!!

well this is difficult to answer as often the reason why cats take themselves off is often outside of our understanding.

As a guess I would say that perhaps the arrival of another cat onto the same territory could have spurred the other cat to find another patch. especially as it sounds like he is a very territorial cat despite being neutered.

I had a cat who left home when i was small when another cat entered the home (luckily we found out where she went and she was being looked after so we let her stay). Some cats are just like this while others are happy to share territory.

I would say that there is also a possibility that another cat outside of the home has been coming around and scenting and this could have been the cause of your cat scenting outside again. This too may have had an affect on your cat.

However having said all of this cats can go on walkabout and be gone for a while and so i would say don't give up hope. he may yet return.

i have a page about lost cats which you may find of interest here


best wishes Kate