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persian cat frequent urination, but healthy


my female persian is nine months old.  she has been urinating frequently in multiple places in my room where she lives.  this has been going on for two months at least.  I haven't taken her to the vet because she behaves perfectly healthy, has a good appetite and plays.  i also have her male sibling.  he has been behaving in a sexually mature way however she has not.  today i noticed a small amount of reddish urine in the bath tub.  i know it was her as i have taken to locking her in my bathroom so i can get a handle of this and keep her away from her amorous brother.  she did manage to get out today and today is the first time her urine was a reddish color.  i am not one to run to the vet at the drop of a hat.  i was a vet tech years ago and have been a pet groomer for over twenty-seven years.  this is also the tenth day of being treated with augmentin just in case she has a uti.  if she and her brother have matted today, is there anything wrong with matting siblings.  i understand that pure breeds are often bred incestuously on purpose.  is this a sound practice?  thank you for your help


The seasons could explain the urination problems with your Persian, but I would be concerned about a urinary tract infection.  Clavamox is considered the drug of choice for such infections.  I do not know how effective Augmentin is with cats (or even if it is in the same family?, as I am not a vet).  If your girl seems to be prone to such urinary problems, you might try giving her distilled water.

Generally, inbreeding is done to set traits and outcrossing is done to preserve health.  The experienced breeder knows how far to go in either direction with their lines before they have gone too far.  We tend to mate sibs (rarely) only to see what good and bad may come out of such a breeding to know whether or not to double up on certain cats in the background.  Normally, it is not a good practice.  We put mother/son and father/daughter breedings in the same category.  We prefer to do our inbreeding a little further removed.

I hope that this is helpful.

Best regards... Norm.