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Cat acne


Hey Pati,

Not sure if this is gonna be too specific of a question, but here goes.

Our cat seems to have some sort of 'pimple' or sore or something around her
anus.  She is constantly licking the area and has recently started rubbing
against everything.  She doesn't seem to be in pain, just discomfort, but all of
a sudden we started finding blood everywhere.  It appears as though she rubs
her bottom on anything that feels good (like a blanket or the rugs in the
bathroom) and the result is that we find blood (sometimes a lot, like a little
puddle),  The family has no idea how to help her, do you have any idea or
advice you could give?  Thanks so much in advance!!! =]

   ~ Javier

Hi Javier,

This sounds very much like a blocked anal gland, something dogs get more than cats, but that can be very uncomfortable for the animal.  Take her to your vet and have him/her "express" the gland for you and show you how to do it yourself (if you're so inclined) so you can do it next time it happens without a trip to the vet.  Its not life threatening but it is uncomfortable for her and as you say she is leaving blood around which you don't want. That should take care of the problem.