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Kitten skin issue


I have a 3 month old kitten.  A couple of months ago, I noticed a spot on her back that felt like a small scab.  I assumed one of my older cats had scratched her, but the "scab" never went away.  (It's not really a scab, but that's the best way I can describe it.)  The area has since grown to be about the size of a nickel, maybe a little smaller.  I took her to the vet, and she was tested for ringworm, and that came back negative.  The vet told me that if the spot had not gone away by the time I get her fixed, she would do a biopsy of the area at the same time.  There is no hair loss in the area, and the area does not seem to bother my kitten at all.  She never scratches it, and the only time she pays attention to it is when I apply ointment the vet recommended.  It is not very raised--if you didn't know it was there, you may not notice it.  Sometimes when putting the ointment on, I'd have to feel around to find where to put the ointment.  The area does not seem to have grown much recently.  It seems like it got to a certain size and stopped, but I am keeping an eye on it, as the vet said to let her know if it grew.  All my cats (3 including the kitten) are completely indoor.  My kitten is quite happy and healthy and energetic.  If you have any input about what this spot may be, I'd appreciate it very much.

Hi Melissa,
At first when I was reading your message, I though "ringworm"! But I see you had her tested for that , and it was negative so that's a good thing.  It sounds like it's not really anything to worry about. It may be a type of birth mark.  If it grows, changes shape or color, then you need to be concerned. Otherwise, I wouldn't let it bother you.  I think she's fine!

God Bless,