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My Attension Seeking Cat


My cat bites. Usually when I'm sitting down watching TV, brushing my teeth, washing the dishes , getting ready to sleep etc. She starts biting me what do U think this caused from and she also is kicking my other pregnant cat in the stomach and they then start fighting. Why is she doing this.

Hi Nelly,

You have answered your question in your title. She is doing the biting to you because you are responding in some way that she likes. It is an attention seeking behavior that you are reinforcing. I would suggest that the next time she goes to bite you blow in her face. This will startle her and she will back away. Keep this up each time she tries to bite you. This should break her of her biting you.

The kicking and fighting between her and your other cat is just natural behavior with cats. It has to do with mostly "You're in my space, now get out". Let them deal with it. I bet right afterwards they are fine like nothing happened. It is normal.

I have a suggestion for your pregnant cat. If you aren't, start to feed her kitten food now. This will give her the extra nutrients that she needs during her pregnancy. And keep feeding her it while she nurse the kits. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen