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kitten trouble


our kitten has been with us for three weeks he is 11 weeks old. we also have a rabbit who has the run of the garden, everything was ok with the kitten and rabbit  untill a week ago, the kitten is starting to attack the rabbit quite viciously, i dont want to get rid of the kitten but if this does not improve im gonna have to,is this jealousy, we do show affection to both aninals, help, what can we do. the rabbit just takes it, he does not attack or buck.

Hi Julie, It sounds like your kitten is just trying to play with the rabbit. Usually rabbits and cats end up getting along quite well but it sounds like your little guy doesn't know what the boundaries are for friendly play and for whatever reason your rabbit is not stopping him when he gets so rough! I would suggest you interfere when you can. Just get a squirt bottle and have it set on "Stream". Whenever you think he crosses the line of friendly play with your rabbit give him a shot of water. He won't associate it with you as he won't see where it came from and he will just know that when he behaves in a certain manner he gets popped! Good luck, Teresa