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HELP! Burmese!


Hope you can help - I have got 2 Burmese kittens now 6 months old - Bella is an angel, perfect, but Blaise is driving me mad. We got them at 13 weeks and after 3 weeks Blaise started weeing on soft duvets and her own soft bed once or twice a week, despite having clean litter trays x3 with different brands in it. I have them spayed 3 weeks and all was well until this weekend when she weed on my duvet whilst I was watching tv in the living room. I dont know why she doest it as its not every day. She isvery playful so I wondered if she just waits too long until its too late? My partner is going mad so I need help quickly. And ideas - thanks SAm


First of all, let me point you to a series of excellent articles on cats who have inappropriate bathroom habits:

Also, anywhere she has peed inappropriately needs to be cleaned thoroughly with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet odors and pet stains (available from most pet supermarkets or farm stores).

I suspect, initially, she peed where she should not have because she was in season.  Now, since the odor is prevalent (even if our human noses do not detect it), she thinks that is the place to go.

You can get her a new cat bed and cover the duvet with plastic temporarily so she does not continue to go there out of habit.  Another thing cats hate to pee on are sheets of aluminum foil, so you can try that also.  Some people have had success with a Feliway diffuser (back to the pet supermarket) in whatever room she is being naughtiest.

Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards... Norm.