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Belly Lump in my Cat


I just recently noticed a pretty good sized lump (about the size of a lemon)on my cats belly.  It looks almost like she has had a litter of kittens-but she didn't.  She is not yet a year old, she is spayed & she's never been outside.  She always has access to hard food & she gets soft food in the morning & at dinner time.  Last week she did vomit up her food for 3 days-but only her morning soft food--not again for the rest of the day.  No urination accidents, but I did notice a little bit of diarrhea in the litter box--only one time.  I don't know if I should be concerned-everything I read says it's not a cause for concern-what do you think?

Hi Jenny,

It's pretty normal for this small fat deposit to develop. It's kind of like a cat beer gut :)

Just be careful to watch her weight, a cat's metabolism slows down once they reach 2-3 years and they can pack on pounds fast!

If she does not have a bowel movement, continues to vomit and refuse to eat, definitely take her to the vet.