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Ragdoll pregnancy


Hi i was looking at getting some advice about my ragdoll she recently has had a litter of kittens about 12-14 weeks ago the last kitten left her at ten weeks so she still had alittle milk remaining she was due for a pre spray check-up on the 25th as i have three females each has had a litter and then been spayed, but to cut along story short she came back into heat and we had kept her in for almost a fortnight which was tricky with having three school age children but this morning she was out she obviously pushed a window open that wasnt locked im devastated she was probably out all last night and when retrieving her this morning she was next to a male. im in two minds to make the appointment earlier and get her spayed but if shes is pregnant not sure if i could do this and abort the pregnancy, kitty has been on royal canin food since litter to boost herself up and shes in excellent condition could she cope with the pregnancy under close watch from a vet im tied between the two choices to make but i want to make the right one for kitty she idolized her kittens and was a super mum would appreciate some advice because i know with spaying/aborting the earlier the better (but this makes me uncomfortable) i love my cat and am extremely saddened by this and feel irresponsible, but i had good intentions everything was moving towards spaying her, i feel so angry with myself, look forward to having another opinion on this
kindest regards

Hi Caroline,

I applaud you for trying to do the right thing and get her spayed promptly.  As I do not have experience with pregnant cats, all I can tell you is what I would do if she were my cat.  If the vet checks her out and is willing to go ahead and do the spay, that is what I would do.  Based on what you've told me, it should be early enough that if she is pregnant, it will only be by a few days, in which case they are technically not even fetuses yet.  And honestly, no matter what anyone says, even if they are, this is still the most responsible option.  You have to put your personal feelings and emotions aside and be objective.  There are over four million cats and dogs euthanized every year, so allowing these to be born will only be guaranteeing the death of that many more kittens.  Please take solace in the fact that you will actually be saving lives, not ending them.  That is why spaying and neutering is so important.  Thank you for being responsible and asking questions.  I wish you the best of luck!

Best regards,
Holly M.