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cats vision


My daughter is moving to an apartment on the 16th floor.
She has 3 cats.
I understand somewhat about their vision.
Will the cats see anything down below or is that to far?
Thanks for your reply.

Hello Genevieve,

This is a really interesting question!  Cats have excellent eyesight but all the evidence suggests that their vision is tuned to see close objects most clearly, which helps with hunting and birdwatching!  It is rare that they take an interest in objects more than a few hundred yards away, so it isn't likely that your daughter's cats will be able to see anything happening on the ground from 16 floors up.  Having said that, I am sure they will still enjoy looking out of the window at any passing birds!

I assume that the cats will not be able to access the outdoors from the 16th floor.  If they currently have access to the outside, your daughter will need to consider whether a move to a life living only in an apartment will be appropriate for the cats, as cats that have previously been allowed outside do not tend to adapt well to being restricted to the indoors.  If they are indoor cats already, no doubt your daughter is used to providing plenty of entertainment for them inside, which should keep them busy enough that they won't mind not being able to see the ground from 16 floors up!

Best of luck to your daughter and the cats with their move.

Take care