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My kitten isnt growing


My kitten is 13 weeks old and weighs just under a pound.  She hasn't gained a single ounce in a month.  She eats constantly, poops & pees just fine, and is playful. She's been dewormed, had her shots, but she's not growing.  She's very boney and has little to no muscle mass.  What could be wrong with her?


Remember, I am not a vet. It sounds to me as if she has some kind of syndrome that is preventing her from digesting her food properly.  I am assuming she is getting plenty to eat.

I think she needs a total work up by your vet to see what is going on.

There are so many possible causes of this, from tapeworm to a heart problem.  This is why she needs a thorough examination to see about getting to the root cause.

Please let me know what happens.

Best regards... Norm.