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Kittens eyes arent open but scabby


My cat had her kittens on the 23rd and 24th of April and the one that was born on the 24th is starting to open her eyes now but the other one has scabs on his. Is that normal? What do i need to do for it? Thanks

Hi Amber.  No, she shouldn't have any scabs on her eyes.  Sometimes the eyes become infected as they begin to open.  This causes a thick discharge that dries and seals the eyes shut.  You should soak a cotton ball with warm water and hold this to the eyes until the crust softens.  Gently wipe it away.  Be sure to do this several times a day to keep the eye area free and clear of any discharge that may appear.  A vet should really take a look at the kitten to see if anything else needs to be done.  She may need an antibiotic ointment to be put directly into her eyes.  Some untreated eye infections can lead to blindness and even the need to remove the eye.  I hope all goes well.  Enjoy your little ones!
