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Symptoms after being in heat


I have a 10 month old 3/4 Persian.  She is in heat for the second time.  I think that she has just completed being in heat but does not seem like herself.  She had diarreha and seems very sleepy.  She tries to go potty in the litter box but it seems that she can't.  She keeps trying to use the litter box but nothing is happening.  She did not have these symptoms after the first time of being in heat.  Is this behavior normal or is there something else wrong with her?


Your cat needs to see a vet immediately. Any number of serious issues could be happening here and they must all be treated by a qualified vet. Not being able to eliminate could mean that your kitty has a bladder infection, a bowel obstruction, stones in her urinary tract...All of these conditions require immediate medical attention. The issues you are mentioning aren't normal to be seeing at all. Since you mention that your cat has been allowed to be in heat twice I would recommend that you have her spayed. Pet overpopulation claims millions of lives worldwide as time and space are factors in finding pets good forever homes. You will not have to deal with your cat being in heat any longer and she will be happier and healthier for it. Medically cats who are spayed tend to be at significantly lower risk for infections or cancers of the reproductive organs and mammary glands. Behaviorally cats who are spayed are much happier as they are no longer forced to cycle repeatedly without breeding which is completely unnatural. Also cats who are spayed and neutered no longer have to advertise their availability to mate at top volume or use urine or feces to mark their territory. I hope that this information helps. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again.