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Cat is giving birth


how can i tell when she  is finished and has delivered all of her kittens?

Hi Heather, Well none of these methods are 100% accurate but they are accurate for most cats.
When she has finished delivering she will usually eat.. but not right away. I find it is about 30 minutes after the last kitten that the moms are hungry. I have NEVER had one eat between kittens or when she is still in labour! So that is one sign. The other sign is that she will settle down with the kittens she has and start cleaning them and nursing them and she may even sleep. This is not 100% as I have had mom's pop out a kitten 12 hours later when I wasn't watching! But normally if mom's do this they are either finished.. or they are taking a very long break!
The only 100% way to tell is by an x-ray or ultrasound. But really that is too stressful to do unless you are noticing problems with your cat. Palpation to see if there are kittens left is very deceiving. MANY MANY people think there is a kitten left when they feel that hard swollen uterus. The uterus is contracting and shrinking so it may even feel like kitten movement !! But really, unless you are kicked by a foot.. it is the uterus you are feeling !