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kitten helth


My roommate brought home 5 week old kittens that were abandoned by their mother. One seems to be doing fine but the other has something wrong with her eye. For some reason its always directed upwards actually into her head almost all the way which seems like it is making her unable to see out of her eye. Also while she sleeps they  get all nasty like a gooey substance on them preventing the one eye from pretty much opening until you wash her face off. I have never had kittens that little and am unsure of there being something really wrong with her. I've never even heard her purr at all which seems weird to me. I am concerned for my other cats that there is something wrong with here but am trying to find out a simple answer to being worried about this until she can go to the vet if I decide to keep her.  Thank you

Hi Laura, Thank you for the question. First off I would definitely keep both these kittens away from your other cats. Do not share food dishes and wash your hands after handling them and before you handle your other cats. Perhaps they could stay in a bathroom?? It sounds like these kittens have some type of upper respiratory virus and these things are very contagious. In a young kitten they can be fatal so it would be important to get the kittens checked. If one has it they both will have it. Also be careful with what you are wiping their eyes with. Make sure you are very clean and that nothing is spread to your other cats. It is important to keep their eyes clean as some of these infections can cause eye damage. Use a cotton ball or paper towel and wipe the eyes gently with warm water and then dispose of the cotton ball in a place where the other cats will not be near it. If you have any non prescription eye ointment you could put a bit into the eyes to sooth them until the kittens can see a vet. Wash your hands thoroughly and change your top before touching your other cats. I know I have said that several times but it is very important.
Feel free to write back ! Teresa