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Cat Uriniating in Wrong Areas


Hello! An answer to your question:

HI:  We have a 2 year old spayed female Siamese.  She is a very affectionate and well mannered cat in all respects but one.  She does use the litter box, which she shares with an older, neutered male tabby.  The problem is that on occasion, sometimes more frequently than others, she pees in other areas and on objects (my slippers, any laundry left on the floor, a cat toy, just outside our bedroom door, and 6 inches away from the litter box).  My wife is convinced that the cat has suffered some sort of rejection, trauma, or perhaps bullying by the other cat. and is acting out by peeing on things.  I don't pretend to speculate on why she does this, but is does seem that at times she is trying to send a message.  Can you help with any suggestions that might alleviate this problem?


There are two possibilities, one is that your wife is on the right track and this is a behavioral problem.  Second, and easier to deal with, is that it may be a medical problem.  If this started up rather recently then I would have your vet check her out, especially for urinary tract infections.

If there is a behavioral issue, these are much more difficult to track down and resolve.  I am giving you a link to a series of articles on feline litter box problems.  There are great suggestions in these articles.

A couple of things to do.  First is to clean any areas she may be peeing on inappropriately with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors (available at most pet supermarkets or farm stores).  Second, if the vet has given her a clean bill of health, try a Feliway diffuser (Feliway is a pheromone based spray that seems to stifle aggressive tendencies in cats and is available in most pet supermarkets) in the room where she makes the most peeing mistakes and see if that helps.

Best regards... Norm.