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Oscar my cat is not eating


Oscar stopped eating 3 weeks ago. His breath at that time was rotten. He got a dose of PCN and that was better the next day. My vet ran blood test and a full body xray. He states he is in cronic renal failure but not anemic. He has lost a lot of weight. His age is about 18 years old, but he is (until 3 weeks ago) very active and hunting. It hurts to see him so thin but he is still purring and loving on me. My vet tells me as long as he is drinking he is fine. Does this sound like cronic renal failure?


It sure sounds as if Oscar may have chronic renal failure.  At 18 he is at the sunset of his life, and you have done very well keeping him for that length of time.

However, in geriatric cats, it is often kidney and liver which go first.  If the blood work is showing elevated kidney functions (potassium, BUN, creatin), then he will not have too much longer.  Another harbinger of kidney failure is excessive intake of water and excessive urination.

As long as his quality of life has not deteriorated too far, he should be OK.  If he begins to wobble or stagger and is having trouble getting in the litter pan, then the time is nigh.

Although this is not a very rosy outlook, you and Oscar have had 18 years of wonderful times and their memories.  Savor these, for this is the joy of owning a pet, even though we are usually doomed to outlive our pets.

Best regards... Norm.