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Delivery of my Cats kittens


I have a cat who went in to heat and ran out of the house. This was about a month and a hlaf ago. She came back and she was pregnant. She still did not want to comei n the house. But about a week ago she started climbing on my window screens trying to get in the house. I bath her and cleaned her up, and I also feel the babies moving. today while setting up her corner for her to have her kittens I noticed a yellowish white discharge on her vagional area. Does that mean that she is about to have her babies soon?

Hi Angelia, Cats are pregnant for 9 weeks so if she was gone a month and a half ago she should not be due yet. Are  you sure about your dates?? A discharge like you describe usually happens within a couple of days of them delivering.. so if she is only 6 weeks along then I would think she has a problem that should be checked.. but if she is 9 weeks along I would get ready for babies ! Teresa