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help me or the cat....


i have a one and a half year old male cat,,,he has been very good usung the litter box, i keep it really clean, my husband and i live alone so the bathroom door is always open, should my cat see one of us going for a pee, he jumps right up immediately and meowing ,positions himself in the sink hole and goes pee,, staring at us till he;s done,,,if u knew the cat and saw it happening,,, its as tho he knows we are peeing and he is mimicing us,,,,i dont wanna here shut the door,,,thats obvious,,,i wanna here sumthing about the possible cat psychology of it all,,,,


While imitation is a possibility my experience tells me that your cat may be trying to tell you that he has stones or struvite crystals in his urinary tract or a bladder infection making urination uncomfortable for him. I would advise that your kitty be taken to see the vet within 24 hours to determine whether this behavior is due to a medical problem or if it is purely behavioral. If the issues are simply a behavioral problem then you can look at solutions that your vet may offer or you can contact me again and we will go from there. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.