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Urinary Condition

20 16:46:49

Oh Becky,

Thank you, you have been so supportive.  My cats mean everything to me.  Willie is a Korat, as are four of our five cats.

I am very fortunate that I am now able to give Willie the care he needs.  Unfortunately, most of my life I've been quite poor and have had to learn everything I know about cats through necessity, and there were some casualties along the way.  But I've learned a lot Becky.  I was able to develop my own "sick cat" recipe that has pulled many a cat through distemper.  I also learned that your local feed store is your best friend as far as providing for most of your health care needs, including vacinations.  I also learned about a company called Thomas Labs right here in Phoenix, AZ that offers some wonderful products to once again, do most of your own "well cat" care at home.

And Becky, I am on All Experts, but my real area of expertise is the kitchen, so my category here is "food safety issues".

I just can't thank you enough for your help and concern.  You are the sweetest person I've met in a long time.  If you provide me an email address, I'd like to send you a picture of Willie.  He is really a very handsome guy!!
Followup To
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Hi Again Becky,

Thanks for your prompt reply and for your caring concern.  I just wanted you to know I took your advice.  I really, really love my cats and I've been worried sick about Willie.  All of the antibiotics did stabilize his general condition.  He was able to get around and eat, but he hadn't been able to pee for over a day, so this morning I trotted him over to the animal hospital.  Not quite that simple though, it was a very painstaking process to locate a facility that I felt comfortable with and confident in.  I finally interviewed enough vets that I was able to find what I was looking for.  Willie liked it too, when we got inside he laid down and seemed very content.

I wanted to make sure it was going to be a one-time trip, so they are going to do a "perineal urethrostomy", it is laser surgery which consists of removing the penis and enlarging the opening; for all practical purposes turning the cat into an anatomical female.

Thanks once again Becky.  I really appreciate you taking the time to help me and for your concern about Willie.

God Bless,

Followup To
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Hi Becky,

I have five cats.  Until recently they were able to come and go through a pet door, but we started losing cats (just turned up missing out of the clear blue), turns out there are predatory birds in the neighborhood, so we have turned the remaining cats into strictly indoor cats, and in the process we moved into a larger house which helped a lot with getting them acclimated to being inside.

Problem is, one of the males, an adult neutered male about 4 years old, developed a urinary tract condition.  I am very knowledgeable about cats and have done all of my own medical care for years, but this is a first for me.  I have done everything I know how to do to keep this cat alive with penicillin and teramycin treatment (from the local feed store) and by keeping the litter box immaculate, etc. but he isn't getting any better.

Have you ever had to deal with this type of condition and if so what type of treatments worked for you?

By the way, please don't mention veterinarians.  My track record with vets is very bad and to me taking a cat to the vet is like issuing a death sentence with a big price tag attached to it.  I have raised cats for 30 years, but vets still insist on treating me like an idiot.

Thanks for any help or suggestions you can give.


Answer -
Hi Mary,

The experience I have had with URI in cats, is that if you catch it in time, antibiotics will work.  But......if there is a blockage, it is fatal.  Unfortunatley, only a vet can help you here....he will need to be catherized and flushed out.  This can be really serious, and unless you want to risk losing him,  I would definetly take him in.

I have had male cats with same problem, and it is very risky not to have him treated.

Sorry.....I know you didnt want to hear that,  but I don't know what else to tell you.   I also take care of all of my pets' veterinary needs...however, there are some things that we just can't do.   

Good luck and God Bless,
Answer -
OH Mary........I am so sorry.  I hate that it came to that, but you need to know, that by doing this you have probably saved his life.  I know this was a hard decision for you to make.  If he had stopped peeing, though,  he would have most certainly died.  
I can tell you really love your pets.  Since you have done so much on your own, you should consider being an "expert".  It doesn't cost anything, and your advice could help someone else out.  Think about it.

God Bless,


Thank you for your kind comments, I appreciate that.

I love the Korat breed!  They are such beautiful cats.    I used to show Cornish Rex and still have one.   Please check out my website and see all of my pets.

My email addy is

I know what you mean about the local feed store. I get all of my vaccines there also.   Its great !!  

Let me know how Willie does.

God Bless,