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new GF hates cat sleeping on bed


Believe it or not...this issue is straining on our relationship. I have 2 cats. 1 doesnt sleep on bed as he learned to not try anymore. My other, cat, female is relentless and however many times you kick her off bed, yell at her, spray her with water...she keeps jumping up on bed to sleep. She was allowed to do this prior to new GF for almost 4 years so in cats defense, she is use to sleeping on there. My GF gets so upset and fights with me about it and now sleeps in another room half the time because it is the only way for her to sleep. I wish it was as simple as lock the cat out of the room. Then she paws at the door all night which is just as annoying. I dont want to lock her in the laundry room as that seems cruel. Thoughts? We have tried the spray bottle and doesnt seem to work. HELP! Need to retrain cat to sleep elsewhere...not the bed.


"Girlfriends come and go but a cat is forever". Just kidding! If you are having problems this early about a cat then your future together seems bleak. (Just my opinion). Your cat will pick up on the tension and may start acting out, like peeing around the house or being bad to get your attention back.

I would get a comfy kitty bed that your cat would like, or a big 'kitty condo' (you need a good bribe for kicking her out of her bed) and put it in another room. Put a piece of plastic on the bedroom door to prevent scratches, close the door, and IGNORE the cat. Some cats are more persistant than others and will keep it up for a long time. You must not acknowledge her actions in ANY way (don't yell at her, or throw things at the door). Eventually when she can't get in the room or get your attention she will give up. Any response from you then it will not work any longer because she then knows if she keeps it up she will get your attention eventually.

You can also get the comfy bed or kitty condo and put it in the bedroom.  When she gets on the bed, the first few times pick her up and put her in her bed or on the condo. After that every time she gets on the bed dump her off. Again be consistant. Don't let her up there once and dump her the next time. You have to do it EVERY time. Eventually she will get tired of being dumped and go sleep in her bed or on her condo.

Make sure you still give her lots of love and attention so she doesn't come to resent the 'other female' in your life for being the cause of her being 86'd from the bed. Some cats are very territorial about their people. Hopefully your cat isn't because it could not be pretty for the girlfriend and her clothes.

Good luck. And remember that cats are very good judges of people.
