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20 16:46:29


I'd like to buy a kitten , and I don't know whether to buy Turkish Van or Balinese or any other kind so I thought you might help me choose , by the way I like playful , curios kittens.

And I'd be grateful if you would give me some advices about taking care of kittens..    please send me your respond as soon as possible..                

thank you ..  

Hi! Turkish vans are great, and they love the water! They become forever attached with their owners. They do have a strange head-butting chrasteristic (pounding his/her head in you) that may or may not bother you. I really love the Balinese. They may be a good choice for someone willing to spend time to play with their cat. But beware, balinese are very vocal(loud) cats and not very docile(easy to handle). The Abynissian sounds like a good choice for you. Theyre playful and friendly. But they are also not very docile. My favorite cat is the Devon Rex. They are hypoallergenic(not completely but most people allergic to cats find it easy to live with one), very playful, curious, intellegent, attached to their owner, curyl-haired, puppy-like little cats. Their slightly out-of-the-ordinary appearance is also a very good conversation starter with your friends and visitors. You can also very easily leash train them and take them on walks. They quickly become the baby of the house and adore you and want to be with you almost always. They are slightly more expensive but well worth it. They also dont shed. They shed miniscule little hairs that you won't notice. Other very good choices for someone looking for a playful curious cat would be the Tonkinese, Sphynx(my favorite right next to the devon rex), Japanese Bobtail, Maine Coon (not the most playful cat but still a very good choice and can be found at animal shelters), and American Curl.

For information on how to take care of kittens I would suggest you read "Kittens for Dummies" or "Cats for Dummies" which explains anything and everything you want to know, and hepled me a great deal.

If you have any other questions dont hesitate to ask. Hope I helped!