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Cats & Kittens


I have a couple of questions and I am just about at wits end trying to get answers.  I was wondering on the "how much cold can a cat handle" lines.  My cats and the little kittens are inside my house however I am not there right now because there is no heat.  Will they be ok?  They have been fine the last few nights that have fell into the teens here.  I make sure they have plenty of food and water and try to put blankets and they have an old sofa to lie on.  Also, I need to find homes for them and I have tried everywhere I know.  Any help will be greatly appreciated!  Sincerely, CR

It depends.  As to the mother cat, if she is used to being outside then she will probably be fine, but I would definitely worry about the kittens.  Generally speaking, if its too cold for you then its too cold for them.  As to finding homes for them I would call your vet and see if they have any organizations in your area that can take cats.  Here in NC we have the Cat Adoption Team, Cat Tails, and some other organizations, but every area is different.  Your vet should certainly be able to help put you in the right direction as far as that goes.


**Edit**  In response to your question in your rating, it is very normal for the mother cat to look for the kittens that have gotten new homes, but she should be ok after a few days.  There is always an adjustment period, but she'll be back to normal in no time.
