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kitten care + more


Hello Ali, I am just reading up on Hairless cats now apperently there are sphynx and a russin hairless both siamler looking. I was wondering if there are any books on hairless cats?

Also since this is to be my first kitten I was wondering if you might know how many vaccines are given in there first year? same shedual as a puppies shots?

And I was wondering if you might be able to give me a list of things a kitten needs so I can check out prices and see how much the starting costs will be?

I am planning to have my cat fixed, and be an indoor loving companion.

Thank you for any information you can offer.


The Sphinx/hairless cats need to be bathed regularly with a really mild kitty shampoo and they need to be rubbed down daily with a chamois or other soft cloth. I am sure that your local library or pet store will have books on hairless cats. You will want to do research on what type of food you will want to feed, I would strongly suggest that you try to stay away from anything that was part of the Menu Foods recall list. Pay attention to the ingredients listed and be aware that the labels are often misleading. Many pets were diagnosed with kidney failure due to contaminated foods and thousands died so you need to research the food you choose very carefully and make sure that it is a safe and healthy food for your new little baby. Kittens should be free fed as they are growing so rapidly during their first year. Kittens need a variety of toys, a kitten litter box for when they are tiny and then an adult litter box when they are big enough to use it, bear in mind that some cats like to have two litter boxes, one to pee in and one to poo in. Your kitten's grooming tools if you happen to choose the hairless cat are things like a mild kitty shampoo, a chamois and you will want to check with the breeder if there are any other grooming materials that you need, I haven't fostered or owned a sphinx or hairless kitty before so what I have for you is general information. Vaccine recommendations for kittens are as follows:

Panleukopenia: 8-10 weeks, revaccinate at 12-16, depending on whether or not your vet cycles vaccines you may or may not revaccinate at yearly intervals after the initial vaccines.

Viral Rhinotracheitis: 8-10 weeks, revaccinate at 12-16 weeks, other follow ups depend on whether or not your vet cycles vaccines.

Caliciviral Disease: 8-10 weeks, revaccinate at 12-16 weeks, other follow ups depend on vaccine cycling practices.

Pneumonitis (chlamydiosis): 8-10 weeks, revaccinate at 12-16 weeks, others depend on vaccine cycling.

Rabies: first vaccine at about 12 weeks repeats will differ based on vaccine type and you will have to discuss this with your vet/

Feline Leukemia: first vaccine at 10 weeks, others depend on veterinarian's preference.

The reason that I bring up vaccine cycling is that there is good recent research that links kidney failure in cats to over vaccination causing an auto immune response which can result in kidney failure or even certain types of cancer. You should do the research on your own and think about how you want to vaccinate and choose a vet that matches the type of health care you want for your cat. If this helps you to make your decision I cycle my vaccines and I believe it is the right choice for my cats who are all indoor cats as well. I hope that I was able to offer some helpful information. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.