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Cat sick


Hello ! Our 11 year old long haired cat has been sick all day. It wasnt hair balls as he often vomits those. It was yellowish in colour and about 5-6 times. It doesnt look like he has eaten all day and has turned his nose up at fresh fish and water that i have tried to tempt him with. He is not purring which is very unusual and now is just lying very lethargic looking in his bed. He hasnt passed his daily stools and the water he has passed he hasnt even covered up in the litterbox which again is not like him. I personally had a strong stomach virus yesterday which i wondered if he could get ? Mine was diaorea but the kid i got the virus from had it from both ends! I thought this may just have been coincendetal ? OKay thats it any recommmendations would be great as I am really worried. Thanks !

HI Elaine,
No, cats do not catch diseases/illnesses from people , just as people can't catch anything from a cat like that.   It sounds like your cat has some type of intestinal problem though, as he is throwing up stomach acids. You have already done what I would have done... .tempt him with something "good" to eat.   If he doesn't start eating and acting better , you really should take him to the vet.  You don't want him to get so lethargic that it requires emergency care, especially with the weekend coming.  If it were me, I would take him to a vet today.

God bless,