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kitten wont eat!!!


my kitten is about 16 weeks old and we cant get her to eat much. She is full of life and energy and seems to sleep alot but we cant get her to take much interest in food no matter what we try to feed her, have you any suggestions as to how we can get her to eat

If she's active and playful, and is not losing weight, then I wouldn't worry about it too much, unless she stops eating all together.  It's possible that you are feeding her more than she can eat, or that she doesn't like her food.  If you do decide to change her food, though, make sure to do it gradually so as not to give her an upset stomach.  I would recommend feeding her exactly what the bag recommends.  Usually they increase that amount by at least a third (so you buy more) so if she is even eating half of that amount, and still gaining weight, then she's probably ok.
