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Hello, I am thinknig about...

20 16:41:07

Hello, I am thinknig about getting a kitten either pure or mixed breed it really doesnt matter is he will be a pet only, I was wondering thou what are cats like? do they enjoy being held/petted? are they friendly? will they come over to you to be pet? do they follow you around for treats... anything like that? are they anything like dogs?

depending on the kitten, when you choose a cat, pick it up, hold it, pet it. if it purrrrrs it likes it.
some cats can be very friendly, yes they will come to you , and yes they will follow you around....IF THEY WANT TO.

cats are NOTHING like dogs. they dont slobber on you when you get home, they dont have to be walked and they eat a lot less.

my advice: dont BUY a cat, watch the paper for FREE kittens and go look at them, pick a color you like and play with it, it if responds well to you, take it, if it doesnt respond well to you, move on to another kitten.
good luck