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Sudden new aggression


We have 4 cats, ranging from 3.5 to 2 years in age. The oldest is a 3.5 Female Bombay (Ebony), a 3yo Male Orange tabby (blaze), a 2.5 y/o female Calico and a 2 y/o male grey tabby. All are spayed/neutered.

The bombay is the smallest size wise, but very strong/dense. She is more of a loaner, but has always been the dominant cat, without question. The orange tabby is the largest, but a big wimp usually. The young grey tabby is second in the group, with the calico being very submissive and not part of this.

A few months ago Ebony had a hernia which was repaired. As normal, when one cat comes home from the vet the others all hiss and they might swat at each other for a few days. For some reason, Blaze has been being very aggressive with her. In many ways Ebony starts it, she will instantly start growling if she thinks Blaze is watching her. She will run, and he will chase and swat at her. Ebony ends up under the couch, with blaze outside of it, and they bat at each other from under it.

The odd thing is, the grey tabby can still beat up on Blaze, and Ebony can beat up on the grey tabby. There is no question Ebony could beat up Blaze in my mind, but she's just so timid around him lately.

Honestly, I wish she would just smack him around some and get the pecking order back. But its to the point where the two of them have started pee'ing on the carpet. We use a water gun to break up fights (none are really serious, just makes a lot of noise). I read about baby powder or a drop of vanilla on the neck to help with the smells, and might try that. We are using an enzyme based cleaner for the stains.

If I didn't think it would upset Ebony so much, I would stick the two of them in a small room together and let them fight it out. But she just seems so scared of him for some reason. I don' tknow if he hurt her some how or if he is just trying to take advantage of the situation to become alpha.

Thanks for your help.


Hi Jason.  Definitely don't put them in a small room together.  Actually, I would suggest separating them for a week or two and then reintroducing them.  These things tend to snowball unless intervention is made.

Since it has been months since her vet visit, I don't think the baby powder or vanilla will do much to be completely honest, but you could try.

Truthfully, with some cats, the only thing that works is an antidepressant to relax them a little.  This would likely help with the peeing problem AND the fighting.  I would consult the vet about treating one or both of them since the problem has escalated to the point that they're soiling the house.  I have one cat who attacks all the others and starts spraying all over the place when he's not on an antidepressant.  Most cats can be weaned off after a couple months, but my guy is on it permanently.  He's just miserable off it, and he's a sweet, playful, happy-go-lucky fella while taking it.