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Cat Weight Issue


Here are the facts:

I have a 7 y/o cat who weighs 17 lbs.
I have a 2 y/o cat who weighs 13 lbs.

Eight months ago I had to move into a fourth floor apt and they are no longer able to go outside. They've become bored and lazy (like their owner). Before we moved they were 12 and 10 lbs respectively. I am having a really hard time getting them to play as they hate it here and are depressed. I know what can happen to overweight cats and it would kill me if they got sick and I knew I did it to them.
I currently feed them Purina Cat Chow for Indoor cats. I'm on a VERY tight budget. I offer them plenty of clean water at ALL times.
Can you tell me how much, and when I should feed them (I'm able to feed them separately, as the 7 y/o is a HOG)  Also... the 2 y/o has vomiting issues w/ hairballs and I often have to give her the hairball remedy in a tube. Please help with any advice you can offer.

Worried Kitty Mom In CT


You are over feeding them.  I would reduce their feed to about half of what they are getting now.  At first it will make little difference as their respective metabolisms will slow down to compensate (just like people).

Weigh them once a week until they begin to show signs of losing the weight.  As they begin to lose weight you can up the amount for each a little bit until they reach the weight you would like them to be at.  Your vet can give you better guide lines as he will be able to see them and their progress.

I would think targets of the 12 and 10 pounds as what they were before would be a pretty good place to end up.  

So, cut down their food rather drastically at first (for no more than 6 months) until they begin to start losing the weight.  Then gradually build up what you are giving them until their weights stabilize at the desired weight.

BTW, a laser light toy is a good way of getting them to exercise.  Also, provide means by which they can use all 3 dimensions in your apartment (like having a large floor to ceiling cat tree with cubbyholes and shelves they can use.

Please get back to me should you need details on any of the above.

Best regards... Norm.