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sick drooling kittens


i found a kitten 4 day ago. her eyes were still shut now thier open . she was fine eating well and i was potting her myself .but last nite she didnt want to eat. she was a bit limp . was shivering. and drooling very sticky clear and peed so much all over. she doesnt want to meow only very soft. not her usual self . i have no money for a vet. just trying to make her comfortable. i called aspca but they will put her to sleep. can u tell me anything about this . my son is very sad? i know she might die but i dont want to give up yet

Hi Jack,

I'm really sorry to hear this, and I hope that you and your son are both feeling a bit better.  As it says in my profile, I'm not a vet so it's hard for me to say exactly what is wrong with her, but something has obviously gone very wrong and it isn't your fault.  She must be very young if her eyes were still closed when you found her, probably under a week old, and unfortunately kittens don't thrive well when away from their mums that young.

I understand that you can't afford to see a vet but may I suggest that you call your nearest vet anyway and explain the situation.  Under the circumstances, they may be able to provide free advice on what may be wrong or may be able to put you in touch with a local rescue organisation who might be prepared to meet the costs of the treatment if there is in fact something that can be done.  It may be possible for her to be treated and survive depending on what is wrong, and there are organisations who would be prepared to at least pay some of the bill, if you are prepared to offer a permanent home to her afterwards.

Can I also mention that there are other experts in this category who are qualified vets and may be able to provide you with an insight into what is wrong with your kitten.

Very best of luck with this - my fingers are crossed for you.
Take care