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I cant find my kittens


My stray cat just had kittens about 6 weeks ago and we can't find them outside
anywhere, she keeps moving them and I'm worried that we won't find them.
Please help me...


You will have to play detective and see where she goes and if she is hiding them.  By 6 weeks they should be weaned and she may have moved them as they are probably getting too adventurous (as kittens that age will do).

Cats are masters at hiding in plain sight, so you may have passed by the kittens and never known it!!!!! It is also possible she took them to another area which she frequented in her travels.  If she considers your household home territory, she will stay around your home.  If she is not really that attached to your house, she could be anywhere.

Sorry I cannot be of more help in this.

Best regards... Norm.