Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > LOST CALICO CAT



I have found eating from the dishes I put out and witnessed one of my neighbor's cats and a gray cat eating from the dishes. Still no sign of my cat, however I heard fighting on Thursday night when I was looking out the window. I've never heard any of the neighborhood cats fighting. Something tells me it could be mine. When I went outside I only saw the black cat. A lot of the food is being eaten,  

Hey Jennifer, if your cat is neutered or spayed, your cat is on the VERY low end for fights!  But with your food and water drawing other cats that is good news that you cat will follow the rest around to the known food spots, you can be sure of that!

Have you got your carrier, dog crate or cat trap out?  After it's ready and has a rope (except for the cat trap), watch only for a few days.  Then begin to move the food 1 foot closer to the carrier, crate or trap every night when you set it out.  The water do NOT move closer - they need this more so we won't mess with them drinking water!

I think you are getting closer to seeing your lost one, but remember your cat is NOT thinking like your cat, so don't rush out and try to grab her the first time you see her.  This could scare her away for weeks!  It is SO hard to see them and wait, but this gives you the best shot at catching her in the long run, which will be her final outting in your house : -)

Please keep letting me know who/what time your seeing the cats come.  Good job for putting the food out just at the same time every night.  After you are seeing several come to your feeding station, be assured that yours is also following!

Hope to hear from you soon - Let me know if I've already told you about where to get Humane cat traps from or dog crates ok?
