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yowling kitty


I have 7 cats aged from 12 yrs to 1 yr. All are fixed, all but 1 are part Siamese, 6 female 1 male. A couple weeks ago my 15 mth old female started crying at 5am every day. She usually starts the night sleeping with me, then about 5am she starts crying. I have book shelves in my room and she will start climbing and crying. She gets so loud and won't stop. I have to put her out of my room and shut the door to keep her out. She has a normal appetite and no litter box problems. Is she just bored or could there be a health issue I need to have checked.

Hi Cindy,

You have a breed that naturally yowls. However this sounds like something else. I would get her checked out though. Nocturnal yowling is a symptom of a couple of cat diseases. Is there anything that is scaring her? What time does your alarm go off? She may have a sensitivity to noise and there might be something that is bothering her at that hour. The yowling is not from boredom. How about the other cats? Are any of them bothering her? If she gets a clean bill of health then there is something physically around you that is upsetting her. You need to figure out what is setting her off. At 5AM it should be pretty easy to do. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen