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Kittens and rough play


QUESTION: I have two kittens.  One kitten is twelve weeks old and the other kitten is 10 weeks old.  Both are males and neutered.  The 12 week old kitten has been with us for a month.  The 10 week old kitten has been with us now for 4 days.  Currently I have the 10 week old kitten in the bathroom and the 12 week old kitten in the living room.  I have tried to introduce them slowly and monitor their play-times.  The hissing and growling from the 12 week old kitten is pretty much over. But the 12 week old kitten plays extremely rough with the 12 week old kitten-- relentless biting of ears, legs, head, neck, pouncing, bear-hugs, clawing, etc.  It's hard to watch and I separate them often using a squirt gun or my bare hands.  The ten week old can barely fight back and always makes "raaaar" sounds while struggling to get out of the tight grip of the older kitten's arms.  How can I train my 12 week old kitten to be more gentle? I was thinking of using a leash or harness for the 12 week old kitten during these playtimes so i can better control these attacks.  Please help, I'm worried my 10 week old kitten will get hurt. Thanks.


Your new kitten should be quarantined for a minimum of 2 weeks to begin with. If your newest kitten has been health checked though, the introductions have already been made. At this point your two kittens are practicing hunting and survival skills on one another. You may think that it looks brutal, but littermates do this all of the time. It helps to establish pecking order so to speak. Unless they are drawing blood on each other leave them to it. If you keep putting yourself in the middle the normal play behavior is going to become secretive attack behavior based on anger and resentment. Your babies are playing normally, let them be. Although kitten play behaviors look rough and tumble to the eyes of loving humans they are just practicing for how to hunt and defend themselves. I know that you are a loving and concerned owner, but truly this is less serious than it looks. If you are having kittens that fight to the point of drawing blood and caterwauling then you can worry. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I just wanted to thank you for your excellent advice.   I've allowed my kitens to play/fight uniterrupted.  Now my two kittens are cuddling up with another during nap time.  Also, I noticed the older kitten discontinues play when the younger wishes to eat.  I can't thank you enough!


You are more than welcome. I know that two kittens of similar ages can see really rough when they are playing, especially when their human(s) love them and want the best for them. They have to establish a pecking order in order to have a peaceful house. The rest of the rough housing is to practice hunting, stalking and defense skills...Enjoy your little ones, have fun with them. They grow up so quickly. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.