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Cat hiding kittens


I have a cst that is a year old. On 5/5/07 she had her first litter of kittens. She had them in my daughter's room under her bed but she moved them to a dangerous area in the home. I found them and moved them to a temporary place in one of my bathrooms. I placed her food, water and litterbox in the bathroom and closed the door and cut off the light. I will be using another bathroom for awhile. I am worried that she will try to move them again or hurt them or she will make them sick. What should I do. She has a basket with a lamb skin cover that I placed them in but she continues to put them on the cold floor.

Hi Sharon,

What you did is good. I would put a blanket on the floor for the kittens. This will help keep them warm. Put a night light in there. She and the kittens shouldn't be in the dark. And make sure you go in there and handle the kittens a little. Get them used to you. And socialize with mom. All will turn out fine. Don't forget to feed her kitten food. She needs the extra nutrition. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen