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My cat is urinating everywhere! Why?


After moving in to a new apartment in January of this year, my (female) cat became infested with fleas. As of the last few months, she's taken to urinating on different surfaces while I'm away. I can't CATCH her in the act, and I don't know what to do. She has certian 'spots' that she seems to like to 'pee' on, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to get her to stop. I know intimidation isn't the answer... she just looks more freaked out.

Her box is scooped every day. She has fresh food and water daily, and I give her lots of attention. Are the fleas to blame? And if so, what can I do? (I use Frontline, and give her the occasional bath).


Hi Holly,

I don't think that the two things are related, however; I would take kitty to the vet right away. Frequent urination outside of the litter box can be a sign of several more serious problems, such as a kidney infection or feline diabetes. Especially since she is so freaked out - I'd be inclined to think that she is trying to 'tell you' something is wrong. You are totally right- intimidation isn't the answer- cats are very clean, and for her to be doing this is a sign that something is not ok.

The second thing I would do is to make sure that you clean the areas that she is known to pee with a product designed to get rid of urine. Biozet is a great product, but there are a few others that you can buy. Regular cleaning products won't help, it has to be something to get rid of the scent to her nose (which is more sensitive than ours, so even if it smells clean to us, it might not be to her) Once a cat marks a spot they think that is the proper place to go- only total removal of the odour will prevent future accidents.

So, in summation, please take her to the vet and get this looked at asap, before it becomes something more serious. You can get the fleas looked at as well while you're there. (the Frontline should take care of them- but bring it up while you're there anyway)

You sound like you're doing a great job with kitty and providing a really good home :) keep up the good work, and I hope she's ok.