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Newborn Kitten Potty Problems


My husband brought home a kitten that I believe is about 2-3 weeks old.  He/She eats well and sleeps well and seems to be somewhat healthy.  The problem is that he/she has not popped at all.  We can get him/her to pee but not poop.  I tried rubbing the belly and using a washcloth to stimulate his/her rear end, but nothing yet.  What else can I do and when do they start going?  Help.  Thanks.


Wow, that is so young.  It seems to me that you are doing all the right things with the kitten.  By 2-3 weeks of age and on solid food, the kitten should be going on its own.  You may want to take the kitten to the vet to see if it is impacted.  Usually, once they begin going on their own, they continue with no problem.  Sometimes that first time takes a while.

Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards.... Norm.