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sour bottom smell....


First thing - thank you for replying to my question.  We have a 4? year old neutered male cat and he has a "sour bottom" smell when we pick him up to love on him or when he walks by us on the back of the couch while we are sitting on the couch.  We have just noticed this in the last few months.  I take him downstairs and wash his butt with warm soapy water that has cat shampoo in it and use a soft washcloth and as you can imagine the smell intensifies horribly!!! As his bottom dries the smell gradually goes away to the point that it is almost all gone, just a faint hint here and there. We have always had females with no "sour bottom" smells ever.  We have never had a male cat before, so we don't know if this is a boy thing or not.  

Hello Cheryl,
I am so sorry for the delay.  I am usually quicker to answer my questions.  I am opening a shop, and my time is suddenly being consumed! So, again I apologize.
Now, this sour bottomed boy cat of yours..from what you describe, this sounds as if it may be anal glands that are producing the putrid smell.  Full anal glands (or sacs) can sometimes leak or can sometimes be 'expressed' when a cat (or dog) is startled, or nervous, or when (especially male) cats simply want to make other cats aware of their presence.  The smell is absolutely atrocious! yuck! What you are doing is actually the best thing..washing his rear with cat shampoo.  You might check at your local pet shop and see if they may have a deodorizing type shampoo for him.  It is possible also, as the contents of anal sacs are usually fluid, that he may be getting it on other parts of his coat.  It may help to bathe him completely and then see how long it takes for him to regain his 'aroma'..If this continues at what you consider an unusual rate, then it may be time for a vet visit, to have his glands checked, and, perhaps emptied.
Hope this has been helpful, and thank you for your patience.
Thank you,