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Two Question About Kittens And Mother Cat


Hi, I'm not sure if this is your area of expertise or not, but everyone else was either maxed out or on vacation.

My cat just had kittens Saturday (six days ago). They seem to all be very healthy. In fact, I took them all to the vet on Tuesday because they were breathing funny (we figured out it was because I was making them too hot in fear of them getting too cold) and the vet even told me they looked fine.

I make sure they all eat (there are seven kittens), and they all seem to eat every two hours or so. I take a wet cotton ball and make sure they urinate as well. The problem is, I have no idea if they have bowel movements. The mother, Salem, seems to take care of them really well, but how can I tell if they are not? I saw one bowel movement since they were born, and it was cleaned up right away by the mother. I mean, like I said, they are acting normal, eating, and sleeping soundly. Could it be that they ARE having bowel movements, but mommy is cleaning it up before I notice it?

The other question I have is that the mother, while she is very good to the kittens, likes to separate them. I am not sure if this is because the box I have is too small for her to nurse all of the kittens at once or what. I made sure there was another blanket in the closet they are in. She likes to move three of them to the blanket and keep four in the box. Should I be worried? She makes sure to nurse all of them. Perhaps this is just easier for her? I have no idea. It was freaking me out because I have read about mother cats killing the babies; however, she takes very good care of them. It did look rather uncomfortable for her to get relaxed in the box with all seven kittens, so that is why I was wondering if the box was just too small.

I'd appreciate your answer! Thank you!


Jessie, it sounds to me like your cat is a great mother. You are 100% on the right track as to all of her behaviors. Your Queen is indeed cleaning up all bowel movements that occur and will continue this for the next three weeks. She is obeying instinct there, and is a terrific mommy for it. Don't worry, your kittens seem to be in perfect health.

As for her reason to separate the kittens, again, I believe you were on the right track. I suggest getting rid of the box entirely and laying out a nice big fluffy blanket on the closet floor. That way, she has all the kittens with her, and all the space she needs. Leave the box out in a room, though. If she moves half the litter to the box again, she just wants them separate for some reason. Move the box back, and let her do so, as long as all kittens appear to be healthy throughout the coming weeks.

Don't worry so much! Your kitty has fantastic maternal instincts, and I think your new litter will do just fine.