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ragdoll kitten


Hello, was wondering whether you could help me.  My very healthy, lively and bouncy ragdoll kitten (about ten months old) has recently started to shake her legs when I pick her up and cradle her (baby style - as she is a ragdoll she goes floppy so it is hard to pick her up without lying her on her back, which she loves). It didnt worry me the first time because as she was purring I htought it was just a trembling reaction but have noticed her doing it when I just pick her up to move her quickly cradling her and hten putting her down, they shake, all four of them.  Please help me put my mind at rest.  Many thanks


I have heard of such tremors in younger kittens in various breeds and they usually outgrow it.  Is she spayed?  If not, I wonder if she is coming into season.  If you are concerned, you may want to have your vet look at it.  I am not a vet, but is does not sound normal to me.

Please let me know what you find.

Best regards... Norm.