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My cat is loosing hair .


A picture of the problem
A picture of the probl  
My cat is loosing hair on her neck it looks like she may have a scratch or something. Today it looks more irratated and the hair loss seems to keep spreading. She is in some time of pain, she cries all the time, won't let me touch her. Please help me I love my cat and I can't afford to take it in to the vet.

that looks awful.
The problem is that it is either infected or will become infected and if your cat does receive antibiotics could get very sick indeed.

Please see my page here /cat-first-aid.html about cat first aid, but if your cat is in lots of pain then it is unlikely that they will allow you near it.

I'm sorry but really the only answer is a trip to the vets to stop your cat from suffering and becoming any worse. If the injury is caused by a bite then cats have a lots of bad bacteria in their mouths which causes infection.
If it is a skin condition like mites then they will have to be treated. My own old male cat used to get things like this quite often and he needed vet treatment every time..

Best wishes