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Felix and Demetri



We knew that it would take some getting used to but we didnt think that he would do this to a male kitten...
Why's he doing this and what should I do to help felix get over his jealousy and be able to get along with the kitten?

We caught them playing once but now it just seems to be time  to torture the kitten...

please help?!?!?


You may not like my answer, but all seems to be normal.  Cats and kittens play awfully roughly.  If you saw little kittens and how they play you would be amazed at how horrible it all appears.  If the kitten really objected, he would stay away from the older cat.

You just have to accept the fact that cats play very roughly (BTW, their skin is a whole lot tougher than ours is). In time, as the kitten calms down, the play will calm down.

They are just fine.

Best regards... Norm.