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Cat losing her hair


i have a kitten well she is a year old this coming August and I have just noticed that over the past couple of days she is losing all of her fur around her bottom and at the tops of her hind paws she is a long haired cat and I am just wondering if this is normal because I have never seen this before I thought I would check online before I brought her into the vet.  She is an indoor cat but unfortunately over the past couple of weeks has snuck out a few times and now I am worried that this may have something to do with it, any help is appreciated.  Thanks

I would recommend you take your cat to the vet, if only for a wellness check and a parasite screening. I have seen long-haired cats scratch all the fur off themselves in a particular area because of fleas or ringworm. Is the area scratched up, or does the fur appear to be falling out on its own? Does the cat bother the area, or is the skin too pink or a reddish color?

If the skin color is normal, and the hair is not being clawed off, your cat may just be shedding into her summer coat. It's also possible your cat may have gotten into a little fight and lost some fur while she was out on the town.

If everything seems normal, but you're still worried, go ahead and take her into the vet for a checkup. It can't hurt anything and shouldn't cost any more than $30 in most cases.