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Cat coughing


My cat was coughing so I took her to the vet ($42) and he said she seems like a health 10 year old cat.  Maybe x-rays and/or blood tests would show something else (150).  I seem to cough some myself.  Could she just have a cold.  Is not stuffy and is eating and drinking.  Any suggestions?

unfortunately this is an impossible question to answer as yes it is always possible that she has a cold but it may also be caused by something else and only tests will be able to tell.
I realize vet bills can be expensive, i myself have had to spend a lot this year on my own cat and she is insured as well. But it is best to be guided by your vet, ask him what his honest opinion is, ie does he think it is worth the extra tests, tell him that you are worried about the bills etc. If he is a good vet then he will only recommend the tests if he feels that they are really necessary. He may suggest waiting a while to see if the cough subsides, but you should really be guided by the vet.

I hope all works out well

best wishes