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Kitten hiding


I brought a new 10 week old kitten home recently and put her in the basement. She's been hiding since.  It's been over a week and she won't come out. I put food down there and it seems to be eaten some and water. I also have a 5 year old cat. What is the problem? I'm worried she'll die down there.

i don't know what your basement is like but it would be best to put the kitten in a normal room to get used to the home environement and smaells first. basements tend to have all sorts of different smells to the house and these could be either upsetting her and won't be helping her make her new home hers.

I would find her and place in a separate room with her litter tray , bedding, water and some toys for about a week (bring her out on her own to feed hwre she will normally feed then take her back to her room). this will give her time to adjust to this small sapce first. then you can start to introduce the other cat using the method described here /introducing-cats.html

Don't worry i'm sure she will settle down into her new home soon.

best wishes